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Physicians re-elect Dr. Pournadeali as association president

Dr. Pournadeali (pour-na-deli), Director of the Northwest Center for Optimal Health, in Marysville, Washington, Journal Columnist, KSER radio personality, & faculty member at Bastyr University, has been re-elected President of the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians (WANP).

Serving as WANP President is a tremendous responsibility, as the WANP has been the lead organization promoting Alternative Medicine in Washington State.

On interview, Dr. Pournadeali, stated "We are fortunate to be in a state so supportive of health care choice." "My goal as WANP president is to help Washingtonians better understand the benefits, limitations, and most importantly, the need for guidance when using natural medicines & naturopathic approaches."

For more information, contact the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians at (206) 547-2130, Dr. Pournadeali's clinic at (360) 651-9355, or visit their respective websites at, or

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